. Whitefield Christian Schools Economy Schooling in the era of the Toronto Public School Board was markedly different from modern schooling in these large urban schools students were separated by gender but taught in large mixed-age classes of often over 100 students. Students were taught out of readers and exams were conducted orally and only available to the best students from each school division the technology of schooling was different as well Students often were seated on long benches or "forms" the introduction of the individual desk was a technological advancement advocated by some as a means of preventing students from distracting each other Urban schools were often early adopters of these new technologies This meant that the Toronto Public School Board was a leader in adopting blackboards which other school boards were slower to introduce. Teachers were also often expected to lodge in the school in the Toronto Public School Board provisions were made for a room for the teacher in the basements of the first six schools at this time secondary schools or grammar schools were not free However the Toronto Public School Board provided scholarships for the top achieving boys to attend these all-male institutions a provincial grant incentivized the creation of school libraries and in 1858 the board had 2,837 volumes An 1862 motion for the introduction of gymnasiums was met with some resistance as they were considered an expensive addition outside the scope of the academic disciplines of schools Ultimately the Select Committee voted against the recommendation TPSB Industrial Schools.
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