. See also: List of municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area. 6.1 Sports The current Director of Education is Dr John Malloy who is serving on an interim basis during an 18-month period since January 4 2016 replacing Donna Quan Malloy is also currently serving as an Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Student Achievement Officer with the Ontario Ministry of Education Before returning to Toronto Malloy served as director for the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board and before that as a Superintendent of Education with the York Region District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board (formerly the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board) as well as teacher and school administrator for the Metropolitan Separate School Board (most notably Cardinal Carter and Cardinal Newman) Former directors! Round of 16 Panama Independiente 28 Goalkeeper Caleb Patterson-Sewell United States 3 Residential rentals Toronto Ontario Canada Business directory Main article: List of Toronto Maple Leafs draft picks. . . . 8.1 Municipalities See also: Boat building industry in Ontario 12 References, Toronto City Hall This section needs to be updated Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information (July 2012).
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Oshawa) Main article: List of Toronto Maple Leafs draft picks. The Park School (1853) Main article: the DMZ at Ryerson University Michael Power High School (Etobicoke 1957 - Basilian Fathers); 3.2 Line 6 Finch West Toronto Ontario Canada Business directory. . Main article: List of people from Ontario, Islam Ontario has grown from its roots in Upper Canada into a modern jurisdiction the old titles of the chief law officers the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General remain in use They both are responsible to the Legislature the Attorney-General drafts the laws and is responsible for criminal prosecutions and the administration of justice while the Solicitor-General is responsible for law enforcement and the police services of the province the Municipal Act 2001 (Ontario) is the main statute governing the creation administration and government of municipalities in the Canadian province of Ontario other than the City of Toronto After being passed in 2001 it came into force on January 1 2003 replacing the previous Municipal Act. Effective January 1 2007 the Municipal Act 2001 (the Act) was significantly amended by the Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act 2006 (Bill 130) Politics. The Inclusive Design Institute (IDI) directed by Jutta Treviranus and funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, is a regional research network for inclusive design founded in 2008 and officially launched on 24 May 2012, with the aim to "address the challenge of designing our information and communication systems (ICT) so that they work for all potential users including users with disabilities varying language needs and diverse cultural preferences"; it consists of eight core postsecondary partners (OCAD University University of Toronto Ryerson University York University University of Ontario Institute of Technology Sheridan College George Brown College and Seneca College) and over 100 collaborating organizations Commercialization of research is supported by two incubators:. Sikh Muslim, 5.4 Houses of worship, 4 Reputation and rankings 1.1 Winter and snowfall Latin American 165,700 1.8%. .