1837 397,489 +6.3% Education First Nations, Other 334.5 315.5 379.8 507.3 969.5 2,506.6 Burlington Brebeuf College School (North York 1963 - Society of Jesus (1963-1984) and Presentation Brothers (1984-1987)), 6.1 Ocean and lake navigation 7 See also 3.3 Upper Canada. . Year-by-year St Michael's College School 12.2 Friendship cities The UNDP was founded on 22 November 1965 with the merging of the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance (EPTA) and the Special Fund the rationale was to "avoid duplication of [their] activities" the EPTA was set up in 1949 to help the economic and political aspects of underdeveloped countries while the Special Fund was to enlarge the scope of UN technical assistance the Special Fund arose from the idea of a Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development (SUNFED) (which was initially called the United Nations Fund for Economic Development (UNFED) Countries such as the Nordic countries were proponents of such a United Nations (UN) controlled fund However the fund was opposed by developed countries especially by the United States who was wary of the Third World dominating such a funding and preferred it to be under the auspices of the World Bank the concept of SUNFED was dropped to form the Special Fund This Special Fund was a compromise over the SUNFED concept it did not provide investment capital but only helped to bring pre-conditions for private investment With the US proposing and creating the International Development Association within the World Bank's umbrella the EPTA and the Special Fund appeared to be conducting similar work in 1962 the United Nations Economic and Social Council asked the Secretary General to consider the merits and disadvantages of merging UN technical assistance programs and in 1966 the EPTA and the Special Fund merged to form the UNDP Budget. 8.1 Songs and slogans 12 References The earliest schools in Toronto were in private homes often run by members of the clergy Public funding for schools began with the establishment of the Home District Grammar School Notably it was not governed by an elected school board Voting for the city's first elected school board took place in 1816 following the passage of the Common School Act the board as per the regulations of the act had three members: Eli Playter Dr Thomas D Morrison and Jesse Ketchum the board governed the Common School at York which was located on the same grounds as the Grammar School However this lasted only four years before the school and its associated school board were shut down in favour of the creation of the Central School which was placed under the control of an unelected board and marked an attempt to bring public schools under Anglican religious control. Control of this board in Toronto was then subsumed under a provincial Board of Education in 1824 itself merged into the Council of King's College a body charged with obtaining a university for the province In 1831 Upper Canada College was created to replace the Home District Grammar School with state funding in the form of an initial crown lands grant of 6,000 acres later supplemented by an additional 60,000 acres in contrast common schools in this era the equivalent of today's elementary schools were woefully underfunded Funding for the schools was derived from the sale of crown lands but the lands chosen to support education were undesirable and couldn't command a high enough price to sustain the common schools in addition to undesirability the acreage devoted to funding the common schools initially granted in 1816 was later reduced by half These deficiencies began to be addressed by the School Act of 1844 and culminated in the creation of local public school boards across the province including the Toronto Public School Board The Toronto Public School Board. . . .
! . ! Main article: Great Lakes passenger steamers. . . . The early nineteenth century was the age of canals the Erie Canal stretching from Buffalo to Albany New York threatened to divert all of the grain and other trade on the upper Great Lakes through the Hudson River to New York city after its completion in 1825 Upper Canadians sought to build a similar system that would tie this trade to the St Lawrence River and Montreal Rideau Canal.
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