Toronto Ontario Canada Business directory, characterized by buildings on small lots (frontages less than 12.5 metres (41 ft)) ranging in height from 2 to 5 storeys These buildings have street-related retail uses at grade and residential uses above Typically they are built to the lot line and span the width of the lot These characteristics produce the familiar retail strip in which there is a continuous wall of retail activity and there is a direct relationship between the main entrance of a store and the public sidewalk The Main Street is the concept of small avenues and store frontages on busy roads which maintain the vitality of communities and the continuity of the streetscape Shopping centres, Imperial conversion Toronto Ontario Canada Business directory 5.1.6 British. . . ; . .
! Toronto Maple Leafs Toronto NHL Ice Hockey The Huron Tract lies in the counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and present-day Lambton County Ontario bordering on Lake Huron to the west and Lake Erie to the east the tract was purchased by the Canada Company for resale to settlers Influenced by William "Tiger" Dunlop John Galt and other businessmen formed the Canada Company the Canada Company was the administrative agent for the Huron Tract Clergy Corporation. .
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