; Hamilton Undergraduate Graduate The following table lists the top 15 DAC 5 Digit Sectors to which UNDP has committed funding as recorded in its International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) publications the UNDP claims on the IATI Registry website that the data covers 100% of development flows UNDP topped the Aid Transparency Index published by Publish What You Fund in 2015 and 2016 "The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) tops the Index for the second time with an excellent score of 93.3% the only organisation to score above 90%" Committed funding (US$ millions). .
Board of Education for the City of York Many other battles were fought in American territory bordering Upper Canada including the Northwest Territory (most in modern-day Michigan) upstate New York and naval battles in the Great Lakes The Treaty of Ghent (ratified in 1815) ended the war and restored the status quo ante bellum 1837 Rebellion and Patriot War; Maclean's Comprehensive 11 Main articles: Ontario Line and Relief Line (Toronto), 8 Crime 1956 5,404,933 +17.6% Painting Depicting the Death of Issac Brock During the War of 1812 with the United States Upper Canada was the chief target of the Americans since it was weakly defended and populated largely by American immigrants However division in the United States over the war a lackluster American militia the incompetence of American military commanders and swift and decisive action by the British commander Sir Isaac Brock kept Upper Canada part of British North America Detroit was captured by the British on 6 August 1812 the Michigan Territory was held under British control until it was abandoned in 1813 the Americans won the decisive Battle of Lake Erie (10 September 1813) and forced the British to retreat from the western areas on the retreat they were intercepted at the Battle of the Thames (5 October 1813) and destroyed in a major American victory that killed Tecumseh and broke the power of Britain's Indian allies Major battles fought on territory in Upper Canada included:. . .
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